Back by Popular Demand: Faux's War on Christmas
This morning, while CNN was doing stories on Blagojevich, the Obama/Gore meeting, etc, Fox was running Christmas stories, including the Washington State Christmas display controversy, and a story about some women who had launched yet another campaign to enforce "Merry Christmas" rather than "Happy Holidays."
The former caught my eye (and ear) as I expected it to be about the Atheists' sign that was stolen, put back, taken down, whatever. But no! It turned out to be about Festivus (for the rest of us)! It turns out that Washington has approved the display of a Festivus commemoration along side of the Nativity scene...
Coming to Capitol: 'Festivus' display
By KOMO Staff
OLYMPIA, Wash. -
State officials, besieged by requests for more seasonal displays at the state Capitol, have approved several more - including a "Festivus" display honoring a faux holiday popularized by TV comedian Jerry Seinfeld.
The new display requests come on top of an anti-religion placard, a Christmas tree and a Christian nativity scene erected earlier this week and a pro-religion sign added Friday.
The state General Administration, which runs the state Capitol building, have OK'd four of the requests so far:
But no! The Blonde starts a heartfelt invective against the sacred holiday of Festivus, moaning that if she should take her 2 (or 5 or 10) tots to the Washington State display, they would be traumatized for life!! Oh, the horror!! And, at the end of all this, she has the actual audacity to say that she has "as good of a sense of humor as anybody!!!!" My God woman, take the stick out of your a** and lighten up! It's Festivus for the Rest of Us!
And so, the Faux War Christmas has begun. Happy Holidays everyone!